Blue eraser, blue sky
On October 31, 2017, I was walking in Lexington and 42nd Street thinking about what object I brought from Colombia that reminds me of my country. It’s not easy to find one. There are many. It’s a hard task. Then I looked up and saw it. Blue. A blue one. An eraser that is blue and white. I used to use it during my studies to become an architect and after then too. When I draw or design, I still use it. It’s one of the things that maybe architects keep nearby with the scale ruler and with the most important device, a pen, which we need to let the world know what we imagine and dream in the design process.
Besides this blue, we all have another. The same everywhere and almost all the time and we don’t dare to see it. It reminds me of the city where I was born and lived for long time. This blue for me, even if it’s hard to believe, smells of joy and light. It’s warm, peaceful and bright. It’s the clear, sunny and blue sky at Christmas time. Many memories come to my mind. My first outdoor job in December at Christmas time in Bogota, with the blue sky in the back; my student life abroad in France in winter time and now, my new life in New York right now.
This blue sky and the sunshine on my skin on a clear day makes me feel joyful, grateful and, above everything, makes me feel alive.