Adrian Munoz

Maybe I’m not the most qualified person to give advice but in this case, I think I have the right and we both need these words. First of all, you must be grateful for everything you have and have achieved until now, anyhow you're blessed, and it is not about religion, you know it very well, but beliefs matter at this point.

 Well keep going, we don't have all our life, or maybe we do... Don't let your goals move you away from happiness: that you need to achieve, point in that direction and other goals will show up one by one. I know it could be blurred now and confusing but you have realized that it has happened many times, keep in this direction, I'm really sure it is the right one, focus on it.

 You have the necessary tools you found along the road, use them! Don't compare yourself to anyone else, every person has his own battles. Think about when is enough: how much money is enough? How much time are you going spend to get this? How much effort will you put into this? Was it worth it? 

 I know you want answers not more questions, well, take a moment to see the road behind you. Yes, you did well, I'm proud of you, but you must continue, release the heavy weights what are causing you pain. Bad things happen and you need to be complete to deal with them when they come.  Sad moments are part of life but they make us wiser.  One more time: keep walking! The black clouds will disappear eventually and the sun will shine once more. Enjoy the trip, you should do that, it is an obligation.

Please don't forget the family: even though they are there for you, they need to you too. The family is an important source of good vibes and you need tons of that now.

I hope these lines help you and I hope you will write me back soon. Believe me, many times I need advice too and I'm really sure you are the right person for that - because, who better than myself?

 See you soon my dear friend 



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